Friday, February 11, 2011

Let We C

C language

The Language called 'B 'was first discovered by Ken Thompson.'B language' was based on Interpreter and process speed is low .After years ago solution made for that problem that was done by Dennis Richard,the language called 'C'.It was compiler based language and it is second and third generation language.

B       Ken Thomson            Interpreter Based       Slow Process Speed

C      Dennis Richard           Compiler Based        Fast when compare to 'B'

2nd Generation:  Powerful low level Features.
3nd GenerationLoops and Construction.

 Features of C:

  • Block Structured Language
  • Powerful and Flexible
  • Structured Programming
  • Handful of function  
This are all the most important features of 'C;

  • Pointers
  • Memory Allocation(Static/Dynamic)
  • Recursion(Function Calls itself)
  • Bit Manipulation(Lowest form of storage)

Next session is Types of Data Structures........

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